
Connections between Naples Jewish Congregation (NJC)and the Interfaith Alliance of Southwest Florida (IASWFL)

The relationship between NJC and the Interfaith Alliance of Southwest Florida (IASWFL) is rooted in shared values and a commitment to social justice and community engagement. The IASWFL’s mission to safeguard individual rights, promotes unity among diverse faiths, and addresses issues such as civil liberties, racial equality, gender oppression, and education aligning well with the principles embraced by NJC.

Rabbi Herman and Steve McCloskey’s roles as liaisons evidence NJC’s active involvement and support for the IASWFL’s endeavors. Moreover, the collaboration between NJC and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Naples (UU), particularly through hosting meetings and events, demonstrates a robust commitment to fostering interfaith dialogue and collaboration in the local community. It’s heartening to see such cooperative efforts aimed at informing and engaging both members and the wider public through programs, educational forums, and interfaith partnerships.



Naples Jewish Congregation’s (NJC) Relationship to the Union of Reform Judaism.

The Naples Jewish Congregation (NJC) aligns primarily with Reform Judaism and is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), which oversees North American Reform Jewish communities. Established in 1873, URJ, formerly known as UAHC, unites member congregations from the US and Canada. The URJ operates uniquely, convening its policy-making body, the General Assembly, biennially, representing over 250 board members.

Under Rabbi Eric Yoffie’s leadership in 2003, URJ was renamed to better reflect its mission and has advocated for Jewish religious pluralism while supporting Progressive Judaism in Israel. Balancing tradition and modernity, URJ emphasizes Torah study and upholds core values of spirituality, Torah, and social justice. This journey has shaped a distinct synthesis of Judaism, blending tradition with the liberal aspects of American life.


Affiliation with the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

The Federation of Greater Naples embodies unwavering support, serving as a constant source of encouragement for NJC to reach greater heights. Beyond being a valued partner in our most ambitious endeavors, the Federation stands as a pillar of strength, providing the fortitude and resources necessary for our Jewish Congregation to flourish. With their steadfast support, they empower us to embrace our full potential, enabling us to thrive and excel in our mission.