
Make a gift in honor or in memory of someone special.

Your donation is a wonderful way to help sustain NJC, mark a special occasion, remember someone dear, or rejoice in a Simcha. Donations are vital to ensure the continuity, growth, and vitality of our Congregation. L’Dor V’Dor

By check: Please include your name, address, phone number and E-mail.

Send to:
Naples Jewish Congregation
P.O. Box 111994
Naples, FL 34108

To donate online CLICK HERE

On the ZEFFE Payment website, you are not obligated to indicate any of the four preloaded amounts for your Yahrzeit or General Contribution. You have the option to indicate any amount in the space below them.

While there is a Credit Card no-fee option available, we encourage you to indicate some amount in order for NJC to continue receiving the full amount of your charge.

Thank you for your contribution. Your generosity helps with maintaining our ongoing operating expenses.