Dictionary.com defines a volunteer as: 1. a person who voluntarily offers to perform a service or other undertaking. 2. a person who performs a service willingly and without pay. That is what some of us do at NJC, we volunteer.
The difficulty I have with the last sentence is the word “some”. I would like to be able to insert “many” into the sentence. That would only be possible if those who are not currently volunteering do so. I am not asking for much. If those who have not volunteered to help NJC would do so even twice a year, it would be greatly appreciated. It would help the people who currently do much of the work, help NJC do more for its people, and give you the satisfaction of doing a mitzvah by helping people. Let any of the board members know you are willing to help. Thank you.
On the other side of the coin, are you getting as much as you can out of being an NJC congregant? Have you been to services recently? If not, January 10 may be a great time to come. We will have Rabbi/Cantor Mark Lipson substituting for a service Jane would have led. He is trying us out, as we are trying him out, to take on Jane’s role until she is well enough to return to us.
What events have you come to or are planning on attending? We recently had a fabulous Chanukah dinner. The Rabbi gives fascinating talks at the lifelong learning sessions. The next on is January 17 at 5:00. It is about angels and demons. Email Soren at sorenshamblott@gmail.com for the reservation for dinner. Then, stay for services. Watch the weekly eblast for the other activities NJC is holding.
Here’s to hoping the new year is a prosperous, safe and happy one for all of us.